Therapeutic effect of combined therapy of hepatocyte growth-promoting factor and salviate milttiorrhize on chronic hepatitis B
摘要: 研究促肝细胞生长素联合复方丹参注射液治疗慢性乙肝的疗效。 80例慢性乙肝患者随机分为两组 ,一组以促肝细胞生长素 80mg、复方丹参注射液 2 0ml治疗 ,对照组采用能量合剂保肝治疗 ,疗程 6 0天 ,观察肝功能复常情况及血清肝纤维化指标变化情况。治疗组肝功复常率显著高于对照组 (P <0 0 5 ) ,治疗后血清肝纤维化指标较治疗前明显降低 (P <0 0 5 )。促肝细胞生长素和复方丹参合用治疗慢性乙肝是有效的 ,值得进一步推广Abstract: To evaluate the therapeutic effect of combined therapy of hepatocyte growth-promoting factor and salviate milttiorrhize on chronic hepatitis B.We studied 80 patients who had been randomly divided into treatment group 40 and control group 40. The treatment group were treated with hepatocyte growth-promoting factor and salviate milttiorrhize, the control group wete treated with energy mixture and potassium.The therapeutic courses were 60 days.The liver function (TBil, ALT and AST) and the levels of serum HA、PC-Ⅲ、LN were compared before and after being treated.The recovery rate of liver function in treatment group were higher obviously than that of control group.The levels of serum HA、PC-Ⅲ、LN in treatment group after being treated is lower obviously than that of before (P<0.05) .The combined therapy of hepatocyte growth-promoting factor and salviate milttiorrhize on chronic hepatitis B is effective.
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