MRCP clinic application on the carcinoma of the pancreatic head
摘要: 本文研究探讨胰胆管磁共振水成像(MRCP)对胰头癌的临床诊断意义。通过经手术和病理证实的21例胰头癌病例的术前胰胆管磁共振水成像表现,应用MRCP扫描,扫描序列包括SE序列T1WI、FSE序列T2WI、T1WIFS、T2WIFS、MRCP冠状位扫描成像。21例胰头癌胰胆管磁共振水成像上,均有胆总管胰头段及主胰管胰头段因癌瘤侵袭而破坏截断和其残留段扩张的征象。20例胰头癌通过胰胆管磁共振水成像扫描确诊,1例胰头癌误诊为慢性胰头炎。Abstract: This article was to research and evaluate clinic diagnostic value of MRCP manifestations in the carcinoma of the pancreatic head.MRCP features of 21 cases with pancreatic head carcinoma confirmed by operation and pathology, Whith MRCP, carcinoma of the pancreatic can be localized and diagnosed accurately, with CE MRA on abdominal vessels, carcinomas of the pancreatic head can evaluated if to be resected.MRCP all demonstrated typical “double duct sign”and abrupt interruption at pancreatic segmends of dilated common bile duct and pancreatic main duct pancreatic head ones.SE sequences with T1WI and fat saturation, FSE with T2WI and fat saturation and MRCP were performed in all 21 cases before operations.Carcinomas of the pancreatic head were diagnosed correctly by MRCP in 20 cases, and 1 case was misdiagnosed as chronic pancreatitis.
Key words:
- carcinoma of the pancreatic head /
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