Diagnosis of AFP negative occuping lesions in liver by ultrasonography guided automatic gun biopsy
摘要: 为了评价B超引导下自动活检枪肝穿对AFP阴性肝占位性病变的定性诊断价值,作者对52例AFP阴性肝占位性病变患者行B超引导下自动活检枪肝穿,组织病理学检查。结果,52例AFP阴性肝占位性病变中,经病理学证实,原发性肝癌23例(44.2%),其余病例亦各获得正确诊断。超声引导下自动活检枪肝穿刺对肝脏占位病变定性诊断安全、准确,具有很高的临床应用价值,可作为肝占位性病变的确诊技术。Abstract: In order to assess the valuate of ultrasonography guided automatic gun biopsy in diagnosis of occuping lesions in liver.Ultrasonography guided automatic gun biopsy were given to 52 patients with AFP negative occuping lesions in live.Through the pathology verifying, there are 23 (44.2%) primary carcinoma of the liver among the 52 patients with AFP negative Occuping lesions in live, The other 29 patients also get accurate diagnosis, Ultrasonography guided automatic gun biopsy in occuping lesions in liver is safe and precise, it is of great value in clinical application and can be taken on as a technique on definitive diagnosis in patients with occuping lesions.
Key words:
- ultrasonography guided /
- automatic gun biopsy /
- occuping lesions in live
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