The analysis of baterial infections epidemiology after liver transplantation in 45 cases.
摘要: 探讨肝移植术后感染的病原菌分布及病原菌的耐药性等流行病学特点。45例肝移植手术术后细菌性感染的发生率为71.1%,其主要病原菌分别为粪肠球菌(70/398)、阴沟肠杆菌(64/398)、真菌(59/398)、大肠杆菌(56/398)。病原菌具有多重耐药与高耐药性的特点,碳青霉烯类、糖肽类抗生素仍分别是革兰氏阴性杆菌与革兰氏阳性球菌最有效抗生素,预防细菌性感染的发生与合理使用抗生素同样具有十分重要的意义。Abstract: To study the main bacteria and their drug-resistance of postoperative infections after liver transplantation.The incidence of bacteria infections after liver transplantation is 71.1%.The major bacteria were Enterococcus faecalis (70/398) , Enterobacter cloacae (64/398) , Fungi (59/398) , Escherichia coli (56/698) .The bacteria have the chatacter of multi drug-resistance and high drug-resistance.The most efficiency antibiotic to Gram-Negative bacillus and Gram-Positive bacillus were still the carbopenems and glycopeptide.It is very important to prevent bacterial infections as well as use antibiotic properly.
Key words:
- liver transplantation /
- infections /
- bacteria /
- drug-resistance
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