Relationship between cutaneous electrogastrogram parameters and impairment of liver function in patients with liver cirrhosis
摘要: 探讨肝硬化患者体表胃电图参数变化与肝功能及检验指标间的关系。对63例肝硬化患者和20例健康志愿者进行体表胃电图记录和化验检查。将健康对照组、Child-pugh分级A级、B级、C级四级受试者进行两两比较,主频和胃电节律紊乱百分比均有显著差异;胃电节律紊乱百分比与肝功能检验指标进行相关性分析,发现白蛋白和血小板计数与胃电节律紊乱百分比存在直线负相关关系(r分别为-0.723和-0.704)。1.肝硬化患者存在明显胃电节律紊乱,并随肝功能损害程度加重而加重;2.白蛋白和血小板计数与肝硬化患者胃电节律紊乱关系密切,可用于判断肝硬化患者胃动力障碍情况。Abstract: To explore the relationship between cutaneous electrogastrogram (EGG) and liver function indices in patients with liver cirrhosis.Cutaneous EGG and laboratory tests were measured in 63 patients with liver cirrhosis and 20 healthy volunteers.Dominant frequeney (DF) and the percentage of electrogastric dysrhythmia were significantly different among healthy group、 Child-pughA、B、C;On correlation analysis, two indices-serum albumin (ALB) and platelet count (PLT) -correlated inversely with the percentage of electrogastric dysrhymia (r=-0.723 and -0.704 separately) .1.Patients with liver cirrhosis have disturbance of electrogastric rhythm, and the disturbance becomes more serious when the impairment of liver function advances;2.The serum ALB and PLT are closely related to the percentage of electrogastric dysrhythmia, by which we can judge the situation of gastric dynamic dysfunction of liver cirrhosis.
Key words:
- liver cirrhosis /
- electrogastrogram /
- gastric dynamic
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