Intestinal permeability in patients with liver cirrhosis and effects of lactulose on it
摘要: 研究肝硬化患者肠通透性特点;肠通透性与内毒素血症的关系以及乳果糖对肠通透性和内毒素血症的作用。实验分两部分,第一部分研究肝硬化患者肠通透性特点。肝硬化组测定血二胺氧化酶(d iam ine oxidaseDAO)、血内毒素。正常对照组检查血二胺氧化酶。第二部分行乳果糖干预治疗的研究。入选的肝硬化患者随机分乳果糖治疗组和非乳果糖治疗组,两周后重复检查血清DAO和血清内毒素。肝硬化患者内毒素血症阳性率为73.8%,血DAO水平均较正常对照增加,血清内毒素水平与血DAO水平呈线性正相关。腹水患者较无腹水者血DAO和血内毒素水平高,组间有显著性差异。乳果糖治疗后血清DAO水平及血内毒素水平较治疗前有显著降低。Abstract: To study the characteristic of intestinal permeability in patients with liver cirrhosis and the efficacy of lactulose on intestinal permeability and endotoxemia.The study was divided into two parts.First one is to study intestinal permeability in cirrhosic patients.patients with cirrhosis and healthy control subjects was involed in it.Serum diamine oxidase (DAO) , serum endotoxin was determined in patients with cirrhosis, Only diamine oxidase (DAO) was determined in the normal controlls.The second part is effects of lactulose on intestinal permeability and endotoxemia.Patients was divided into two groups randomly.Lactulose was given orally and cirrohsis was treated in lactulose group.Lactulose was not given in non lactulose one.Serum diamine oxidase (DAO) , serum endotoxin was determined again after two weeks.Endotoxemia occurred in majority of patients with cirrhosis (73.8%) , Serum DAO is higher in patients than in control subjects.Serum endotoxin is liner correlative with serum DAO.Serum endotoxin and serum DAO are higher in patients with ascites than patients without.Both Serum DAO and endotoxin are lower after lactulose treatment than before.
Key words:
- liver cirrhosis /
- intestinal permeability /
- diamine oxidase /
- lactulose /
- endotoxemia
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