The relationship between serum ferritin and hepatic pathology in patients with chronic hepatitis B.
摘要: 探讨慢性乙型肝炎(CHB)血清铁蛋白(serum ferritin,SF)含量与肝功能、肝纤维化指标及肝脏病理的关系。对140例行肝组织活检患者的血清标本进行SF、肝功能、肝纤维化指标检测。结果显示:CHB临床各型SF水平随着病程的进展逐渐升高,与对照组比较有显著差异(P<0.01)。SF与肝组织病理分级、分期、肝纤维化指标及肝功能存在相关性。认为SF可作为肝脏组织病理损害的判断指标之一,检测SF有助于了解肝细胞受损程度。Abstract: To study the relationship between serum ferritin levels, liver function hepatic fibrosis indexes and hepatic pathology.Serum ferritin levels, liver function, hepatic fibrosis indexes were detected in 140 patients who were performed hepatic biopsy.The levels of serum ferritin increased gradually in pace with the progression of liver diseases and obviously higher than those in normal controls (P<0.01) .There was a positive correlation between pathology grade and stage and serum ferritin, liver function and hepatic fibrosis indexes.We can draw conclusions that the serum ferritin is an objective evidences in the impairment of hepatic pathology.The levels of serum ferritin can reflect the degree of hepatocellular injury.
Key words:
- chronic hepatitis B /
- hepatic pathology /
- serum ferritin
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