Experiment study on nonalcoholic fatty liver model induced by injection of oxytetracycline intraperitoneally in rats
摘要: 寻找一种经济、高效的制备大鼠非酒精性脂肪肝动物模型的方法。采用高脂饮食与腹腔注射氧四环素相结合的方案。在模型组于造模开始后的第2、4、8周末及对照组在第8周末,分别检测大鼠血清ALT、AST、TG、TC、丙二醛(MDA)、超氧化物岐化酶(SOD),肝脏TG、TC、MDA、SOD水平及肝组织学改变。2周末、4周末和8周末模型组血清中的ALT、AST、TG、TC和MDA升高,SOD降低;肝脏组织中的TG、TC和MDA升高,SOD减低;与对照组相比均有统计学意义;肝组织病理学检查显示第2周末和第4周末表现为脂肪肝性肝炎病变为主,8周末可出现轻度肝纤维化。采用高脂饮食结合腹腔注射氧四环素的方法是一种制备非酒精性脂肪肝模型理想方法之一。Abstract: To investigate an economical and effective method to establish nonalcoholic fatty liver (NAFL) model in rats.The rats of model group were fed with fat-rich diet and injected oxytetracycline intraperitoneally.The serum ALT, AST, TG, TC, MDA, SOD and hepatic TG, TC, MDA, SOD were measured respectively at the 2nd、4th and 8th weekend inthe model group and at the 8th weekend in the control group.The liver pathological change was evaluated by light microscopy after HE staining. At the 2nd、4th and 8th weekend, the serum and hepatic ALT, AST, TG, TC, MDA in model group increased significantly, and serum and hepatic SOD decreased significantly.In model group, adipose degeneration was observed at the 2nd and the 4th weekend, and the light liver fibrosis found at the 8th weekend.The method of injecting oxytetracycline intraperitoneally and taking fat-rich food is effective and economical to establish NAFL model in rats.
Key words:
- oxytetracycline /
- nonalcoholic fatty liver /
- model /
- rat
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