Changes of the level of TRECs in chronic hepatitis B patients before and after antiviral treatment
摘要: 观察慢性乙型肝炎(CHB)患者经抗病毒治疗前后T细胞受体重排删除环(TRECs)含量的变化。利用实时荧光定量PCR方法检测15例干扰素、13例阿德福韦酯治疗前后的CHB患者及27例健康体检者外周血单个核细胞(PBMCs)中TRECs的含量。CHB患者中TRECs含量为(7.29±2.26)copies/103PBMCs,低于健康体检者TRECs水平(10.48±6.90)copies/103PBMCs,P<0.05;TRECs含量与HBV载量直线相关分析r=0.06,P=0.975;干扰素组治疗后TRECs含量(12.77±5.25)copies/103PBMCs,高于治疗前(7.14±2.69)copies/103PBMCs,P<0.05;阿德福韦酯组治疗后TRECs含量(8.63±3.26)copies/103PBMCs与治疗前(7.46±1.73)copies/103PBMCs比较,P>0.05,差异无统计学意义。CHB患者组中TRECs含量低于正常对照组,TRECs含量与HBV载量无明显相关性,干扰素治疗能提高CHB患者中TRECs的含量,而阿德福韦酯无此作用...
- 慢性乙型肝炎 /
- T细胞受体重排删除环 /
- 胸腺近期输出功能 /
- 抗病毒药
Abstract: To quantitative analyze the T-cell receptor excision circles (TRECs) in chronic hepatitis B (CHB) patients before and after receiving interferon or adefovir dipivoxil.Quantitative detection of TRECs in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from 27 normal individuals and 28 cases with CHB among which 15 cases treated with interferon and 13 cases with adefovir dipivoxil was performed by real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR.The mean value of TRECs in cases with CHB (7.29±2.26 copies/103 PBMCs) was lower than that in corresponding aged normal individuals (10.48±6.90 copies/103PBMCs) (P<0.05) .There was no statistical relationship between thymic output function and HBV DNA in CHB patients (r=0.06, P>0.05) .Interferon therapy increased the quantity of TRECs in CHB patients (12.77±5.25 vs 7.14±2.69 copies/103 PBMCs) (P<0.05) .There was no significant difference between the level of TRECs before and after adefovir dipivoxil treatment.The quantity of TRECs in CHB patients were lower than those in normal individuals.There was no significant relation between thymic output function and HBV DNA.The results indicated that interferon, but not adefovir dipivoxil, could increase the TRECs level in CHB patients. -
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