Expression of interferon α/β receptor on the membranes of peripheral monocytes from patients with chronic hepatitis B
摘要: 探讨慢性乙肝患者外周血单核细胞膜干扰素α/β受体表达水平与干扰素α抗病毒疗效的关系。30例慢性乙肝患者均给予干扰素α抗病毒治疗6个月,应用流式细胞技术对所有患者治疗前的外周血单核细胞膜干扰素α/β受体表达水平进行检测,比较应答组与无应答组外周血单核细胞膜干扰素α/β受体表达的差异性及其临床意义。应答组和无应答组在单核细胞膜干扰素α/β受体表达水平有显著差异。多因素Logistic回归分析显示单核细胞膜干扰素α/β受体水平对干扰素疗效影响较大。抗病毒疗效与机体内单核细胞膜干扰素α/β受体的表达密切相关,可作为干扰素疗效的一个独立的预测因子。Abstract: To study the relationship between the antiviral efficiency of interferon (IFN) α and the level of IFN α/β receptor expressed on the membranes of peripheral monocytes in patients with chronic hepatitis B (CHB) .Thirty CHB patients received IFN-α for six months.The expression levels of IFN α/β receptor in peripheral monocytes from 30 CHB patients were examined with flow cytometry.The expression level of responders and nonresponders were compared.And there was significant distinction on the expression level of IFN α/β receptor between the two groups (P<0.05) .Logistic regression analysis showed that receptors on the surface of monocytes were capable to be treated as independent predictors of the efficacy of IFN therapy.The pretreatment receptor on the surface of monocytes was capable to be treated as independent predictor on the efficacy of IFN therapy for CHB patients.
Key words:
- hepatitis B virus /
- interferon α /
- IFN α/β receptor /
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