Effect of plasma exchange on level of HBV DNA and prognoses in patients with severe hepatitis B
摘要: 探讨经血浆置换(PE)治疗重型乙型病毒性肝炎后,患者血清中HBV DNA含量的变化对预后的影响。随机选取60例乙型肝炎病毒标志物阳性患者,20例为对照组,40例在内科治疗的基础上加PE治疗。观察治疗前后血清HBV DNA含量变化。40例经PE治疗的患者血清HBV DNA含量下降,PE治疗有效组比PE治疗无效组和对照组降低更明显,且肝功能指标改善也更明显。PE治疗可以有效的去除重型肝炎患者血清HBV DNA,改善肝功能及预后,提高患者的存活率。
- 血浆置换 /
- 重型肝炎 /
- 血清HBV DNA水平 /
- 预后
Abstract: To explore the level of HBV DNA after plasma exchange (PE) in patients with severe hepatitis and its prognoses.Randomized 60 patients who were infected with hepatitis B virus and suffering from severe hepatitis.20 cases were treated with only basic medical therapy as control group, while 40 cases treated with PE on the basic medical therapy as treatment group.It showed that the level of serum HBV DNA was decreased after PE therapy.The level of serum HBV DNA was significantly decreased in recovering patients comparing with the worse patients and the control group.The PE therapy could effectively eliminate the serum HBV DNA in patients with severe hepatitis and improve the liver function and prognoses.Then the survival rate of patients increased.-
Key words:
- plasma exchange /
- severe hepatitis /
- level of serum HBV DNA /
- prognoses
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