A clinical observation on phentolamine-mesilate combined with phenobarbital for treating posthepatitic hyperbilirubinemia
摘要: 观察酚妥拉明联合苯巴比妥治疗肝炎后高胆红素血症的临床疗效及安全性。86例肝炎后高胆红素血症患者随机分为治疗组(44例)和对照组(42例),治疗组给予酚妥拉明10mg,每日1次静脉滴注,苯巴比妥30mg,每日3次口服;对照组给予门冬氨酸钾镁20ml、VitK120mg,每日1次静脉滴注,两组疗程均为4周,分别观察治疗前后两组的肝功能情况。结果表明,治疗组总有效率77.3%(34/44),对照组总有效率52.5%(22/42),两组总有效率有显著性差异(P<0.05)。治疗结束后,两组AST、ALT的差异无显著性(P>0.05),但治疗组TBil、TBA较对照组明显降低(P<0.01)。治疗组未发现明显不良反应。酚妥拉明联合苯巴比妥治疗肝炎后高胆红素血症有较好的疗效和安全性。Abstract: To study the therapeutic effect and safety of phentolamine-mesilate combined with phenobarbital for treating posthepatitic hyperbilirubinemia.86 patients with posthepatitic hyperbilirubinemia were randomly divided into treated group (n=42) and control group (n=34) .The treated group was treated with 10mg phentolaminemesilate, once daily by intravenous drip, and 30mg phenobarbital, three times daily by orally taken.The control group was given 20ml potassium magnesium aspartate and 20mg vitamin K1, once daily by intravenous drip.The treated course for both groups was 4 weeks.Before and after treatment, the changes of liver function of the two groups were detected respectively.The results showed that total effective rate of the treatment group was 77.3% (34/44) , and that of the control group 52.5% (22/42) .There was significantly different on total effective rate between the two groups (P<0.01) .No remarkable adverse effects in the treatment group had been observed.It suggested that phentolamine-mesilate combined with phenobarbital had good clinical efficacy and was a safe agent for treating posthepatitic hyperbilirubinemia.
Key words:
- phentolamine-mesilate /
- phenobarbital /
- hepatitis /
- hyperbilirubinemia /
- therapeutics
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