A clinical study of glutamine therapy in lower albuminemia patients with liver cirrhosis
摘要: 目的观察谷氨酰胺治疗肝硬化低蛋白血症的疗效。方法选择血清白蛋白低于35g/L肝硬化病人66例,无糖尿病、肿瘤,排除其他疾病引起的低蛋白血症。治疗方法为G ln制剂(丙氨酰一谷氨酰胺)20g,静脉注射,每日一次,10天为一疗程,观察血清前白蛋白、血清白蛋白、丙氨酸氨基转氨酶的变化。结果血清白蛋白由治疗前(25.3±3.4)g/L增加到治疗后的(32.4±3.1)g/L,无明显不良反应。结论谷氨酰胺可增加白蛋白的合成,改善营养状况。Abstract: Objective To study the effects of glutamine on treatment of liver cirrhosis with lower albuminemia.Methods Sixty-six patients with liver cirrhosis have been studied.The patients were given glutamine per day for 10 days.Results After being treated for 10 days, the level of albumin increased from (25.3±3.4) g/L to (32.4±3.1) g/L.No side effects were reported.Conclusion Glutamine can increase the level of albumin of liver cirrhosis patients and improve the nutrition condition.
Key words:
- liver cirrhosis /
- lower albuminemia /
- glutamine
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