Safety and effectiveness of pioglitazone in the treatment of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
摘要: 目的寻找一安全有效的治疗非酒精性脂肪性肝病的方法。方法将非酒精性脂肪性肝病患者43例随机分组,吡格列酮组22例(n=22),对照组21例(n=21),比较两组疗效(观察ALT,GGT,TG,HOMA-IR,BMI等指标)。结果3个月时,两组的观察指标均有改善,虽治疗组更明显,但无显著差异(P>0.05),6个月时,ALT,GGT,TG,HOMA-IR及疗效,治疗组与对比组比较,疗效有显著差异(19/22,11/21,P<0.05)。结论胰岛素增敏剂(吡格列酮)治疗NAFLD,安全、有效,值得临床推广应用。Abstract: Objective To find out a safe and effective treatment of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) ;Methods 43 cases of NAFLD were randomized divided into tow group;pioglitazone group (n=22) and control group (n=21) , ALT, GGT, TG, HOMA-IR, BMI were compared between the two group.Results At the end of the 3rd month, the parameters were all improved, but have no statistical difference. (P>0.05) ;At the end of the 6th months, ALT, GGT, TG, HOMA-IR and effectiveness in pioglitazone group were much better than that in the control;the differences were significant (P<0.05) .Conclusion Pioglitazone is safe and effective in the treatment of NAFLD.
Key words:
- fatty liver /
- non-alcoholic /
- insulin resistance
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