摘要: 目的分析严重肝病患者全血、腹水合并细菌感染的致病菌菌种分布特点及药敏试验结果,为合理选用抗菌药物提供依据。方法采用BACTEC 9120细菌培养仪及PHNIX100全自动细菌鉴定仪对血液和腹水进行培养鉴定及药敏试验。结果两类标本共检出255株阳性标本,血培养187株,腹水68株。其中G-菌占多数,占59.6%,主要是:大肠埃希菌,肺炎克雷伯氏菌。分离出的G-菌对喹诺酮类、氨基糖甙类、第二、三、四代头孢菌素敏感率大都在50%以上,亚胺培南敏感率在80%以上。G+菌占40.4%,主要是:表皮葡萄球菌。G+菌对大多数常用抗菌药物严重耐药情况;对庆大霉素、第四代喹诺酮类、吗啉恶酮、奎奴普丁/达福普丁敏感率稍高,对万古霉素敏感率最高。结论随着细菌的种类及耐药性不断发生改变,应根据药敏试验结果合理使用抗生素。Abstract: Objective To analyze the distribution of pathogenic bacterial strains and their results of drug susceptibility assay in severe liver disease patients with blood and/or ascites infection, and thus provide basis for rational use of antibacterial drugs.Methods Collected blood and/or ascites samples were cultured, identified and tested for drug susceptibility on BACTEC 9120 Automated Blood Culture System and PHNIX 100 Automated Microbiology System.Results Altogether 255 strains of pathogens (187strains from blood culture and 68 form ascites culture) were identified, among which the gram-negative bacteria were most common, accounting for up to 59.6%.The strains of the gram-negative bacteria were mainly: Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae.For all the isolated gram-negative strains, the susceptibility rates to quinolones, aminoglycosides, complex antibiotics、second and third-generation of cephalosporins were found to be above 50, and it was above 80% to imipenem, .of the 255 isolated strains, 103 strains were gram-positive (40.4%) , with a predominance being Staphylococcus epidermidis.The isolated gram-positive strains responded poor to most of the commonly used antibacterial agents and slightly higher to gentamicin 、linezolidfourth-generation of quinolones、quinupristin/ dalfopristin, and highest to vancomycin..Conclusion With the continuously altering of strains and drug resistance of the bacteria, rational use of antibiotics should be dependent on the drug susceptibility tests.
Key words:
- severe liver /
- bacterium /
- susceptibility test /
- antibiotics
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