摘要: 目的探讨肝硬化磁共振扩散加权成像(DW I)表观弥散系数(ADC)值变化与肝硬化程度之间的相关性。方法对54例肝硬化患者及48例正常肝脏行扩散加权成像,并测量ADC值,DW I序列所选用弥散敏感度(b值)分别为(0,400,600,800)s/mm2。在b1和b2(ADC1)、b1和b3(ADC2)及b1和b4(ADC3)计算肝脏ADC值。结果肝硬化平均ADC1、ADC2、ADC3均显著低于正常肝脏(P<0.05);Ch ild A、B、C各级肝硬化与正常肝脏相比,ADC值均明显降低(P<0.05);ADC值随肝硬化程度的加重而降低(P<0.05);各组ADC值随b值增大而降低(P<0.05);b值为600 s/mm2、800 s/mm2时,认为(1.30×10-3)s/mm2可能为正常肝脏与肝硬化的分界点,低于此值即可考虑为肝硬化。结论DW I-ADC值的测定可辅助临床诊断早期肝硬化并反映肝硬化的动态变化,是评价肝硬化的有价值的参考指标。Abstract: Objective To investigate the correlation between the change of apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) value of magnetic resonance diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) and severity of cirrhotic liver.Methods Diffusion weighted imaging was performed in 54 patients with liver cirrhosis and 48 normal liver, and the ADC values of the liver were measured, the b values were 0, 400, 600 and 800s/mm2 in the sequence respectively.Results The mean ADC1、ADC2、ADC3 in cirrhosis were significantly lower than those in normal livers, the ADC value were lower in Child A、Child B and Child C than those in normal livers, the ADC value reduce with the severity of cirrhosis;the ADC values reduce with b value increase respectively;When the b values were 600 and 800 s/mm2in the sequence, considering (1.30×10-3) s/mm2was the demarcation point, whose value lower than which was hepatic cirrhosis.Conclusion Measurement of ADC value is a valuble parameter that can reflect dynamic changes in liver cirrhosis.
Key words:
- cirrhosis /
- diffusion weighted imaging /
- magnetic resonance imaging
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