Clinical research of hepatic myelopathy
摘要: 目的探讨肝移植与药物治疗肝性脊髓病(HM)的临床疗效。方法对16例HM患者双下肢肌力恢复情况进行回顾性分析。结果营养神经治疗有效2例(22.2%),肝移植患者仅1例,但肌力明显提高,治疗有效。结论早期营养神经治疗有一定疗效,肝移植为HM的治疗带来希望。Abstract: Objective To analyze the possible treatment measures for hepatic myelopathy (HM) Patients.Methods Clinical data of 15 definite HM patients with recovery of lower extremity muscle strength were analyzed retrospectively.Results wo neurotropic cases (22.2% ) were treated effectively with neurotrophic treatment.Liver transplantation was conducted in one patient in which the muscle strength was improved and the treatment was effective.Conclusion Neurotrophic treatment was effective in early stage, while liver transplantation for the treatment of HM may improve the patient condition.
Key words:
- Hepatic myelopathy /
- Liver transplantation
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