The differences of the blood routine indexes in patients with fatty liver and non-fatty liver
摘要: 目的探讨成人脂肪肝患者与非脂肪肝患者血常规的差异。方法选用沈阳地区2008年3月~2008年12月参加体检的18岁以上人群为研究对象,对肝脏彩色多普勒检查诊断的脂肪肝与非脂肪肝患者,采用问卷咨询、体格检查和生化检查外,重点探讨脂肪肝与血常规之间的关系,数据用SPSS16.0软件分析。结果入选人群共8842名,B超共检出脂肪肝3306例,占37.39%,其中酒精性、非酒精性脂肪肝分别占15%(1326名)和22.39%(1980名),与非脂肪肝组(NAFL)相比,脂肪肝组(AFL)WBC(白细胞计数)、EO%(嗜酸性细胞比率)、RBC(红细胞计数)、HGB(血红蛋白浓度)、HCT(红细胞比积测定)、MCH(平均红细胞Hb含量)、MCHC(平均红细胞Hb浓度)、RDW(红细胞分布宽度)、PDW(血小板分布宽度)显著增加(P<0.01);LYM%(淋巴细胞比率)、MONO%(单核细胞比率)、MCV(平均细胞容积)、P-LCR(大型血小板比率)、MPV(平均血小板体积)等明显增加(P<0.05);PLT(血小板计数)明显减少(P<0.05);与非酒精性脂肪肝组(NAFL)比,...Abstract: Objective To investigate the differences of the blood routine indexes in patients with fatty liver and non-fatty liver.Methods Objects include adults who participated in physical examination in Shenyang between March, 2008 and Dec, 2008.For those with fatty liver and non-fatty liver found by ultrasonography, we mainly focus on the relationship between the fatty liver and blood routine indexes besides the use of the consultation questionnaire, physical examination and biochemistry, .The data was analyzed with spss16.0.Results Of the 8842 subjects, the incidence of fatty liver is 37.39% (3306) with alcoholic fatty liver 15% (1326) and non-alcoholic fatty liver22.39% (1980) respectively.Compared with the non-fatty liver group, WBC (white blood cell count) , EO% (eosinophil ratio) , RBC (red blood cell count) , HGB (hemoglobin concentration) , HCT (hematocrit determination) , MCH (mean corpuscular Hb concentration) , MCHC (mean corpuscular Hb concentration) , RDW (red blood cell distribution width ) , PDW (platelet distribution width) were markedly increased (P<0.01) in the fatty liver group;LYM% (lymphocyte ratio) , MONO% (the ratio of mononuclear cells) , MCV (mean corpuscular volume) , P-LCR (the ratio of large platelets) , MPV (mean platelet volume) were significantly increased (P<0.05) ;while PLT (platelet count) was significantly reduced (P<0.05) ;Compared with the non-alcoholic fatty liver group, RBC, HGB, HCT, MCV, MCHC were significantly increased (P<0.01) ;LYM% was significantly reduced (P<0.05) ;MCH, MONO% was significantly increased (P<0.05) in the alcoholic fatty liver group.Conclusion Compared with the non-fatty liver group, the total number and differential count (except the percentage of neutrophils) of leukocytes in patients with fatty liver were significantly higher with a similar trend for erythroid cells (except MCHC) , while the platelet count was significantly reduced.Moreover, a significant increase in erythroid cells (especially in MCV) was observed in alcoholic fatty liver group compared to the non-alcoholic fatty liver group, while no significant differences were obtained in the leukon and platelets system except a decrease in LYM%.These fully explained the significant importance of blood routine test as well as differential count for the etiological and clinical diagnosis of fatty liver.
Key words:
- fatty liver /
- alcoholic fatty liver /
- non-alcoholic fatty liver /
- blood routine test
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