Clinical characteristics of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma
摘要: 目的为探讨肝癌患者的临床特征,以便早确诊并选择最佳诊疗方案、合理利用医疗资源提供科学参考。方法将2002年1月至2006年12月在河北医科大学第四医院临床治愈的566例(男442例,女124例)肝癌患者的临床资料录入计算机,采用SPSS13.0统计软件进行回顾性分析。结果 (1)相关因素肝硬化405例占71.6%;有肝炎史369例占65.2%,其中83.7%(309/369)有5年以上感染史,90.5%(334/369)为乙型肝炎病毒感染;(2)肿瘤大小肿块直径>5cm349例(61.7%),(3~5)cm144例(25.4%),<3cm76例(13.4%);(3)既往病史伴有慢性病243例(42.9%),其中50岁以上占52.7%(128/243);(4)治疗方案单纯手术切除118例(20.8%),切除植泵(DDS)化疗356例(62.9%)。结论本研究显示肝硬化和肝炎尤其是乙型肝炎病毒感染是肝癌发生的相关危险因素;多数患者发现已属中晚期并有明显的老龄化趋势;肿瘤切除植泵术已成为目前常用的综合治疗手段。Abstract: Objective To analyze the clinical characteristics of Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) patients in order to make early diagnosis and treatment.Methods A total of 566 HCC patients had surgery in the Fourth Hospital of Hebei Medical University from 1/2002 to 12/2006.Results 405 (71.6%) patients were suffered from HCC following cirrhosis and 369 (65.2%) patients with HBV. 349 (61.7%) cases had a tumor of more than 5cm in diameter, 144 cases between 3 to 5cm and 76 cases less than 3cm in diameter. 243 (42.9%) of the patients suffered from chronic diseases. 118 cases had surgical treatment, 356 cases had performed resection with DDS. Conclusion Cirrhosis and hepatitis, especially HBV infection, are the risk factors of HCC. Most of the patients were senile during mid-advanced stage of HCC. Risk of the Hepatocellular carcinoma positively associated with years of hepatocirrhosis and hepatitis B virus infection. Resection with DDS is the best treatment for HCC.
Key words:
- liver neoplasms /
- hepatectomy /
- infusion pumps /
- implantable /
- liver cirrhosis
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