The effect of PTCD in patients with hilar biliary obstruction using biliary drainage tube with added side holes
摘要: 目的探讨使用增剪侧孔的PTCD引流管治疗高位胆道梗阻的方法与疗效。方法 36例高位恶性梗阻性黄疸患者,其中肝门部胆管癌32例,肝转移癌4例。经皮穿刺一侧肝内胆管,增剪侧孔的PTCD外引流管通过闭塞段,猪尾型头端置于接近闭塞部的肝总管或胆总管,侧孔位于梗阻近段,实现全肝(Bismuth-CorletteⅠ、Ⅱ型梗阻)或一侧肝脏(Ⅲ、Ⅳ型梗阻)无肠液返流的内外引流。Ⅳ型梗阻病变累及肝段胆管时,引流管侧孔置于穿刺道所在肝管,头端通过闭塞段置于另一闭塞的肝段肝管,增强引流效果。结果 31例成功施行跨越闭塞段后置管,完成内外引流27例和多闭塞段的单引流管外引流4例,技术成功率86%。5例因导丝未能通过闭塞段,用常规方法行一侧肝叶或肝段胆管外引流。术后1周左右总胆红素平均值由术前(189±53)μmol/L降至(135±34)μmol/L,平均下降幅度(33±13)%;临床症状改善。结论应用增剪侧孔的引流管治疗高位胆道梗阻灵活、方便,近期疗效肯定,可选择做为临床常用方法。Abstract: Objective To investigate the effect of percutaneous transhepatic cholangio drainage (PTCD) in hilar biliary obstruction patients using biliary drainage tube with added side holes.Methods A total of 36 patients with malignant hilar biliary obstruction (32 with cholangiocarcinoma and 4 with liver metastasis tumor) underwent PTCD.The biliary drainage tube with added side holes was managed to pass through the obstructed biliary ducts percutaneously.The pigtail shaped end of the tube was put in the common bile duct distal to the obstructed tumor and the side holes were situated in the hepatic duct proximal to the obstruction to achieve internal and external biliary drainage without back flow of the intestinal juice in the whole liver (Bismuth-Corlette typeⅠandⅡ) or half liver (type Ⅲ and Ⅳ) .In multiple intrahepatic bile duct obstruction, drainage tube side hole was placed in the intrahepatic bile duct connecting the puncture site, and the end of the tube was put into other obstructed intrahepatic bile duct in order to increase drainage volume.Results The obstruction drainage tube placement was successful in 31 cases, of which 27 were internal and external drainage, and 4 were single drainage in multiple intrahepatic bile duct obstruction.The success rate in technology was 86%.PTCD of hepatic lobe or segment was done for 5 patients because the guide wire failed to pass the biliary duct occlusion.Average total bilirubin (TBIL) 1 week post PTCD decreased to 135±34μmol/L, compared to the average TBIL of 189±53μmol/L before PTCD.Clinical symptoms improved in various degrees.Conclusion Application of biliary drainage tube with added side holes helps PTCD to be effective in patients with hilar biliary obstruction.
Key words:
- cholestasis /
- jaundice /
- obstructive /
- biliary tract surgical procedures
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