Individual and comprehensive therapy for primary liver cancer
摘要: 虽然近年来原发性肝癌的治疗取得了长足的进步,但是其总体疗效仍不令人满意。有机地结合目前各项治疗方式的优点,根据患者的个体情况制定合理的个体化综合治疗方案是患者获得长期生存的最佳手段。而规范的治疗方法、医生对疾病的认识及对临床证据的把握、患者对治疗的要求与期待、多学科综合治疗团队,是实施个体化综合治疗策略的4个最重要的因素。
- 肝肿瘤
Abstract: Although great progress has been made in the treatment of primary liver cancer, the overall survival is still far from satisfaction.To set up an individual and comprehensive protocol through an organic combination of different treatments and a considetation of the patient's situation, is the best way for the patients to get a favorable prognosis.Standardized treatment, doctor's professional knowledge on the disease and the best evidences, patient's intention, and multidisciplinary team are the key points to make a reasonable protocol.-
Key words:
- liver neoplasms
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