The role of radiofrequency ablation in multidisciplinary treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma
摘要: 以射频消融(RFA)为代表的局部消融治疗已成为肝癌的重要治疗手段,在肝癌治疗中得到广泛的应用。其主要适应证为肿瘤单发、直径≤5 cm;或者肿瘤2~3个、最大直径≤3 cm。数个临床研究表明射频治疗小肝癌的效果与手术切除相当,国内外多个肝癌临床治疗指南已经将射频与手术切除一样,并列为小肝癌的根治性治疗方法。临床上RFA常常与手术切除、血管介入、瘤内无水酒精注射术、放射治疗、化疗、靶向药物治疗、免疫生物治疗等方法联合应用,在肝癌多学科综合治疗领域中起着越来越重要的作用。Abstract: Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) has been an important treatment for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) .The good candidates of RFA are patients with HCC at early stage (solitary≤5 cm in diameter or ≤3 nodules, ≤3 cm in diameter) .Several clinical trials have shown that RFA was as effective as resection in the treatment of small HCC.Until now, RFA has been widely used as a radical treatment for small HCC.RFA also plays an important role in multidisciplinary treatment of HCC and usually combines with other therapies such as resection, vascular intervention, intra-tumor ethanol injection, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, targeted drug therapy, biological immune therapy.
Key words:
- catheter ablation /
- liver neoplasms
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