Analysis of the clinical symptom and its relationship with the clinical classification of hilar cholangiocarcinoma
摘要: 目的探讨肝门部胆管癌(HCCA)的早期临床症状及其与临床分型的关系,以期早期诊断。方法采用黄志强建议的在Bismuth分型法基础上的分型方法,根据肿瘤的原发部位分为5型,Ⅰ、Ⅱ型为A组;Ⅲ、Ⅳ、Ⅴ型为B组。对72例病理和临床证实的肝门部胆管癌的主要临床症状、初始症状等临床资料进行分析。结果 72例患者中初始症状表现为无痛性黄疸者仅24例(33.3%);非黄疸者48例(66.7%),主要表现为腹胀并纳差、右上腹部疼痛、尿黄、白陶土样粪便、体重减轻、高热寒战等。A组患者初始症状多表现为无痛性黄疸(53.8%),而B组患者初始症状多表现为非黄疸症状(90.9%)。结论 HACC的临床症状复杂,与病变的临床分型有密切关系。
- 胆管肿瘤
Abstract: Objective To explore the early clinical symptom and its relationship with the clinical classification for early diagnosis of hilar cholangiocarcinoma (HCCA) .Methods We used the Huang Zhiqiang's typing method based on the Bismuth's method, including five type according to the primary location of tumor.Type Ⅰand Ⅱ was classified as group A and type Ⅲ, Ⅳ and Ⅴ was group B.The main clinical sympotm, primary complaint and other clinical data of 72 HCCA confirmed with pathology and clinical data was analyzed.Results 24 (33.3﹪) HCCA's primary complaint was painless jaundice, and the other 48 (66.7﹪) appeared non-jaundice, including abdominal distention and loss of appetite, right upper abdominal pain, bilirubinuria, porcelain clay stool, body weight loss, hyperpyrexia and algor and so on.The 53.8﹪primary complaint was painless jaundice in group A, and 90.9﹪ was non-jaundice in group B.Conclusion The clinical symptom of HCCA is complicated, and associated deeply with its clinical classification.-
Key words:
- bile duct neoplasms
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