The diagnosis and clinical value of multi-slice spiral CT in children with common liver tumor
摘要: 小儿肝脏肿瘤较少见,约占儿童期肿瘤的5%,但是由于小儿对疾病的述说能力有限,特别是婴幼儿更不能及时正确地反应病情,再加上家长对小儿观察不仔细等原因,造成诊断的困难,而且单凭触及包块较难鉴别肿块的良恶性,然而早期的诊断、定性、定位对治疗及预后有重要价值。CT诊断对肿瘤的定位、定性特别重要。现对常见的肝脏肿瘤CT诊断特征及价值结合本院病例作一综述。
- 肝肿瘤 /
- 体层摄影术,螺旋计算机
Abstract: Pediatric liver tumor is rare.It accounts for about 5% of childhood cancer due to illness.However, because of children's limited capacity to describe the disease, especially in infants and young children response to the disease can not be more timely and correctly diagnosed and parents' lack of careful observation and other reasons make the diagnosis even more difficult.It is difficult to identify benign and malignant masses by solely looking at the mass.But early diagnosis, characterization, and localization is of important value in treatment and prognosis.CT is important to determine the tumor location and quality.A complete material pediatric liver tumor classification, and diagnostic CT features and value of the common liver tumor are reviewed in this paper.-
Key words:
- liver neoplasms /
- tomography
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