Relationship between serum visfatin and serum adiponectin level and the pathology of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
摘要: 目的探讨NAFLD临床病理改变与血清内脏脂肪素(visfatin)、脂联素(adiponectin)水平的相关性。方法取54例患者肝组织标本,根据其病理改变分为正常对照组(Control组)、单纯性脂肪肝组(SS组)、非酒精性脂肪性肝炎(NASH组)。酶联免疫法测定所有患者的血清visfatin、adiponectin水平,并比较各组之间visfatin、adiponectin的差异。结果 54例标本中:Control组23例,SS组11例,NASH组20例。NASH组血清visfatin低于Control组(P=0.012)和SS组(P=0.021);SS组血清visfatin较Control组有降低的趋势;Control组血清adiponectin高于NASH组(P=0.024)和SS组(P=0.039);NASH组较SS组有降低的趋势。结论在NAFLD患者中,随着肝组织脂肪变及炎症的加重,其血清visfatin、adiponectin水平逐渐降低。Abstract: Objective To explore the relationship between serum visfatin and adiponectin levels and the pathology of NAFLD.Methods 54 patients were divided into 3 groups according to the pathology, including control group, simple steatosis group, and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis group.Serum visfatin and adiponectin levels were measured by enzymelinked immunosorbent assay.Results Among the 54 patients, control group includes 23 cases;simple steatosis group comprises of 11 cases;while nonalcoholic steatohepatitis group contains 20 cases.The level of serum visfatin of NASH group is lower than that of control group and simple steatosis group.Moreover, the change of serum adiponectin of NASH is as same as serum visfatin.Conclusion In NAFLD patients, the more severe the changes of steatosis and inflammation of the histopathology in liver, the lower levels of visfatin and adiponectin in plasma concentrations were showed.
Key words:
- fatty liver /
- visfatin
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