Noninvasive diagnosis of significant liver fibrosis
摘要: 回顾血清肝纤维化指标的研究历史,介绍几年来肝纤维化非创伤诊断进展。讨论如何去诊断显著性肝纤维化。血清学指标和瞬时弹性图联合应用,有望更好的诊断肝纤维化。Abstract: The history of studied serum markers of hepatic fibrosis is reviewed.Recent advances in noninvasive diagnosis are introduced and discussions on how to diagnose significant hepatic fibrosis are discussed.Combined application of serologic test and transient elastography is hopeful to improve the diagnostic liver fibrosis.
Key words:
- liver cirrhosis /
- diagnostic techniques /
- digestive system
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