Current research on the biliary tract diseases
摘要: 临床上常见的胆道疾病主要包括胆道炎症、胆道结石、胆道肿瘤、胆道动力障碍性疾病及胆道自身免疫性疾病等。这类疾病多样化、发病率高并可导致死亡。各种检查技术、相关设备及研究手段的应用与改进提高了胆道疾病的诊疗水平,但目前仍面临很多问题,这需要多学科的相互协作来共同解决。
- 胆道疾病
Abstract: Biliary tract disorders are ubiquitous in clinical practices, including inflammation, calculus, neoplasms, motility disorders and autoimmune diseases of biliary tract.These disorders are complex and associated with significant morbidity and mortality.The diagnosis and treatment of the biliary tract disease are improved by the application and advances of the detection technology, device development and research methods.But issues still exist currently, which will be resolved by the collaboration of multidisciplines.-
Key words:
- biliary tract disorders
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