The development of minimally invasive surgical techniques for the treatment of cholelithiasis
摘要: 胆囊结石的发病率呈逐年上升趋势,胆管结石的发病率逐年下降,随着腔镜微创外科技术的发展,胆石病的治疗实现了微创化。胆囊疾病包括急诊均可采用腹腔镜手术治愈,近年来出现的单孔技术更加完善了胆囊切除的微创化,胆囊结石合并胆管结石目前多采用三镜联合技术,其理想目标应为两种疾病通过三镜技术的优化组合一次性治愈,避免留置T管,保留括约肌功能,缩短住院时间,降低医疗费用。
- 胆结石 /
- 内窥镜检查,消化系统 /
- 胆囊切除术,腹腔镜
Abstract: The incidence of gallstones ha ve been increased gradually, but opposite the bile duct stones.With the development of endoscopic minimally invasive surgical techniques, the treatment of cholelithiasis has achieved the goal of minimally invasiveness.The gallbladder disease, including the emergency cases, can be treated by lapascopic operation, and the single-hole technology in recent years further improved the tendency.Recently, the gallstones with bile duct stone are often treated by the combination of laparoscopy, choledochoscopy and duodenoscopy, the ideal goal of the combination is that the two diseases could be cured by one time, avoiding the placement of T tube, retaining the function of sphincter, shorting the hospital stay and reducing the medical costs.-
Key words:
- cholelithiasis /
- endoscopy /
- digestive system
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