Transcriptional regulation and therapy of hTERT in hepatocellular carcinoma
摘要: 细胞增殖失控和凋亡障碍是肝细胞癌(HCC)发生、发展的重要机制和关键过程。人端粒酶逆转录酶(hTERT)与细胞的生理性和病理性增生密切相关,hTERTmRNA的表达受到多种癌基因、抑癌基因以及细胞因子的调控,与HCC的发生、发展等相关。近年来以hTERT为靶点的基因疗法如RNA干扰、反义技术和自杀基因技术等成为HCC辅助治疗的新策略。本文就hTERT转录水平的激活与HCC发生、发展、预后的关系,以及靶向hTERT基因治疗HCC的研究进展作一综述。Abstract: Unlimited cell proliferation and disabled apoptosis are the most important event and crucial step in the occurrence and development of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) .Human telomerase reverse transcriptase (hTERT) and physiological and pathological cell proliferation are closely related, and its transcriptional level is regulated by numerous oncogenes, anti-oncogenes and cytokines.hTERT is related to the occurrence and development of hepatocellular carcinoma.Recently, hTERT-targeted gene therapy has become a novel strategy for the management of HCC.The relationships between the expression of hTERT and the tumor occurrence, progression, prognosis, as well as gene-targeted therapy on the sequence of hTERT for HCC are discussed in this review.
Key words:
- telomerase /
- carcinoma
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