The difficulties in diagnosis and treatment of hepatorenal syndrome-raised by clinical cases
摘要: 本文通过两个病例复习了肝肾综合征的国际腹水协会诊断标准和临床分型。认为诊断的难点在于要从临床、实验室和影像学排除由于肾前、肾性和肾后性因素引起的急性肾功能衰竭。还从这两个病例的治疗过程讨论如何根据肝肾综合征的发病机制和应用循证医学证据进行防治。
- 肝肾综合征
Abstract: This article reviewed the diagnstic criteria and the clinical types of hepatorenal syndrome made by international ascites club.The difficulties of diagnosis are related to exclude the acute renal failure due to pre-renal, renal or post-renal injury.Author also discussed the prevention and treatment of hepatorenal syndrome according to its pathogenesis and evidence-based therapies.-
Key words:
- hepatorenal syndrome
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