Comparative study between the value of MESO index and MELD-Na in the short-term prognosis of decompensated liver cirrhosis
摘要: 目的评价终末期肝病模型(MELD)评分、MELD-Na模型评分、MESO指数对失代偿期肝硬化短期预后的预测价值。方法分别计算115例失代偿期肝硬化患者的MELD、MELD-Na、MESO指数分值,运用ROC曲线及曲线下面积(AUC)比较三种评分系统判断失代偿期肝硬化患者短期预后的准确性。结果 115例患者随访3个月内34例死亡。死亡组MELD、MELD-Na、MESO指数均高于生存组(P<0.05),在判断患者3个月生存时间的ROC曲线AUC比较中,MESO指数>MELD-Na>MELD(P<0.05)。结论 MELD、MELD-Na、MESO指数均可有效地预测失代偿期肝硬化患者的短期预后,而MESO指数对短期预后评估效率优于MELD-Na,能更准确反映病情严重程度及预后。Abstract: Objective To evaluate the clinical value of the MELD model, MELD-Na model and the MESO index in the short-term prognostic prediction with decompensated liver cirrhosis patients.Methods Decompensated liver cirrhosis patients were graded with MELD, MELD-Na and MESO-index scores;The accuracy of the three parameters on predicting survival were analyzed and compared with each other using the area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve (AUC) .Results Thirty four patients died within 3 months, whose MELD-Na score, MELD score, MESO-index score were higher than those of survivors (P<0.05) .The AUC values generated by the ROC curves for the MESO-index were higher than the MELD-Na and the MELD score (P<0.05) .Conclusion The result suggests that the involvement of serum sodium can improve the values of MELD model.MELD, MELD-Na and MESO-index can accurately predict the short-term prognosis of patients with decompensated liver cirrhosis, while MESO-index is superior to the others.
Key words:
- liver cirrhosis /
- prognosis /
- MELD /
- MESO index
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