Advances in comprehensive treatment of pancreatic encephalopathy
摘要: 胰性脑病(PE)是重症急性胰腺炎的严重并发症之一,以脑神经症状为主要表现,虽然此并发症发生率低,但却有较高的病死率。目前,对PE的治疗尚未取得根本性进展,还缺乏特异性方法,仍以综合治疗为主,本文就PE治疗进展作一综述。Abstract: Pancreatic encephalopathy (PE) is one of the serious complications of severe acute pancreatitis, with symptoms of nervous system.Although the incidence rate of complication is low, the mortality is high.At present, there is no fundamental progress, and the comprehensive treatment is still considered as the principal therapy even though lacking specificity.The progress of PE treatment was reviewed in this paper.
Key words:
- brain disease /
- metabolic
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