Alteration and significance of intestinal flora in patients with NASH
摘要: 目的探讨非酒精性脂肪性肝炎肠道菌群的变化及意义。方法选择肠道菌群中具有代表性的细菌共5种进行培养和计数。选择健康正常成人、单纯性非酒精性脂肪肝和非酒精性脂肪性肝炎(NASH)患者各30例,计数各组肠道菌群中5种细菌的数量,比较各组细菌数量的变化。结果 NASH组患者存在不同程度的肠道菌群失调,主要表现为厌氧菌减少(P<0.05),而需氧菌显著增多(P<0.05),而兼性厌氧菌酵母样真菌没有显著变化(P>0.05)。结论 NASH患者存在肠道菌群失调、革兰阴性杆菌过度生长的现象,提示肠道微生态失衡可能参与了NASH的发生发展。Abstract: Objective To investigate alteration and significance of intestinal flora in patients with NASH.Methods Intestinal bacteria were routinely cultured and counted.Thirty health adults, thirty patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver and thirty patients with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis were selected and their intestinal bacteria were detected respectively.Results Alteration of intestinal flora included decrease in anaerobic bacteria (P<0.05) and increase in aerobic bacteria (P<0.05) in patients with NASH.There was no significant change in aerotolerant anaerobe such as toruloid fungi (P>0.05) .Conclusion There is alteration in intestinal flora and overgrowth of gram negative bacilli in patients with NASH.The results suggest that unbalance of intestinal microecology probably involve in the development of NASH.
Key words:
- intestinal flora /
- fatty liver disease
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