Correlational research of serum ferritin and hyaluronic acid in patients with cirrhosis
摘要: 目的探讨肝硬化患者血清铁蛋白(SF)与透明质酸(HA)间的相关性。方法 70例肝硬化患者,其中女性16例,男性54例,平均(46.93±13.34)岁,Child-Pugh A级15例,B级19例,C级36例,采用化学发光法检测SF及HA,对SF与HA水平进行统计并分析二者之间的关系。结果 SF在肝硬化中明显增高,随着肝硬化分级的加重,患者的SF也增高,在C级处于最高水平,不同分级间比较差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01)。HA在肝硬化中明显增高,随着肝硬化分级的加重,患者的HA也增高,不同分级之间差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。不同分级患者的SF与HA呈显著正相关(r=0.828,P<0.001)。结论肝硬化患者中SF与HA有显著相关性,在反映肝硬化程度上SF与HA同等重要,是反映肝纤维化程度的敏感指标。Abstract: Objective To investigate the relationship between serum ferritin (SF) and hyaluronic acid (HA) in patients with cirrhosis.Methods Data of 70 patients with cirrhosis were collected.The average age was 46.93±13.34 years and there were 16 females and 54 males.All the cases were divided into three groups: Child pugh A, B, and C according to Child pugh ranking.Serum SF and HA levels were determined by chemiluminescent immunoassay.Then multiple comparison between groups and the relationship between serum HA levels and HBV DNA levels was analyzed.Results 1.The level of SF increased obviously in the cases with cirrhosis.The serum SF increased gradually according to the progress of the degree of clinical liver cirrhosis and the highest level of HA was observed in the patients with Child pugh C.The significant difference of the HA levels in the patients between grade A and B, B and C, and C and A was observed (P<0.01) .2.The level of HA increased obviously in the cases with cirrhosis.The highest level of SF was observed in the patients with Child pugh C.The significant difference of the HA levels in the patients between grade A and B, B and C, and C and A was observed (P<0.01) .3.SF and HA are significantly correlated in the patients in different grade of cirrhosis (r=0.828, P<0.001) .Conclusions SF and HA are significantly correlated in the patients in different grade of cirrhosis and both of them are important to reflect the level of cirrhosis.They are both sensitive markers of hepatic fibrosis in cirrhosis.
Key words:
- ferritins /
- hyaluronic acid /
- liver cirrhosis
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