The clinical feature and prognosis in patients with drug induced liver injury complicated with positive autoantibodies detection
摘要: <正>随着自身抗体检测技术的提高及临床医师对自身免疫性肝病认识程度的不断提高,肝功能异常伴自身抗体阳性特别是高滴度自身抗体阳性患者的诊断、鉴别诊断及治疗问题越来越受到临床医师的关注,因为自身抗体阳性虽是诊断自身免疫性肝病的主要条件之一,但在部分病毒性肝炎、药物性肝损害、酒精性及非酒
Key words:
- drug-induced /
- liver injury /
- autoantibodies /
- clinical feature
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