Clinical study of the role of glutamine in immunological function during postoperative obstructive jaundice
Abstract:Objective To investigate the influence of glutamine on immune function in patients with postoperative obstructive jaundice.Methods Clinical data and serum was collected from 48 patients who experienced obstructive jaundice following general surgery.Twenty-four of the patients were assigned to the glutamine intervention group.The levels of endotoxin, soluble interleukin-2 receptor (sIL-2R) , T lymphocyte subgroups, and immunoglobulins were measured and compared between the untreated control and glutamine-treated groups.Results The serum levels of endotoxin and SIL-2R were significantly lower in glutamine-treated patients than in the untreated controls.The levels of T lymphocyte subgroups and immunoglobulins variably increased and decreased during the glutamine treatment period, but were consistently significantly different from the levels in the untreated control group.Conclusion Postoperative treatment with glutamine can modulate levels of immunological factors, and presumably immune function, in patients with obstructive jaundice.
Key words:
- jaundice /
- obstructive /
- glutamine /
- antibody formation
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