Clinical efficacy of Quyu Huazhuo decoction with iontophoresis delivery on nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
目的了解肝病治疗仪联合化浊祛瘀方治疗非酒精性脂肪性肝病的临床疗效。方法将124例患者随机分为4组:肝病治疗仪合化浊祛瘀方组32例,化浊祛瘀方组30例,肝病治疗仪组31例,西药易善复组31例治疗8周。结果中药+仪器组与中药组总有效率比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),优于仪器组、西药组,差异有统计学意义(P均<0.05)。4周治疗后中药+仪器组积分改善优于中药组(P<0.05),8周治疗后均优于纯仪器组和西药组(P均<0.05)。各组8周后ALT、总胆固醇(CHO)均较疗前有所改善(P<0.05);甘油三酯(tg)较疗前无明显改善(p>0.05),ALT 8周治疗后两两组间比较西药组优于其他各组(P<0.05);而CHO的改善中药+仪器组优于仪器组及西药组(P<0.05)。结论中药联合仪器治疗非酒精性脂肪肝疗效好,且起效快。
Abstract:Objective To evaluate the clinical effect of Quyu Huazhuo decoction using iontophoresis delivery on nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) .Methods One-hundred-and-twenty-four patients with NAFLD were enrolled in the clinical trial and divided into four treatment groups: n=32, Quyu Huazhuo decoction (200 ml bid po) delivered by the iontophoresis HD-91-II instrument with electrical stimulation acupuncture (Beijing Hongbo Technology Development Corp.) ;n=30, Quyu Huazhuo decoction (200 ml bid po) without the iontophoresis instrument;n=31, iontophoresis instrument treatment only, with no drug delivery;n=31, Polyene Phosphatidylcholine (Essentiale) capsules (456 mg tid po) .After eight weeks, the effective rate of each treatment modality for NAFLD was assessed by comparing changes in symptoms and biochemical indexes.Results There was no statistically significant difference in the effective rates for the groups treated with the Quyu Huazhuo decoction with or without the iontophoresis instrument (P>0.05) .However, the effective rates of both Quyu Huazhuo decoction treated groups were higher than those of the iontophoresis instrument only and the Polyene Phosphatidylcholine-treated group (P<0.05) .The symptoms of all four groups improved after eight weeks of therapy (vs.pre-treatment, P<0.05) .While the serum alanine aminotransaminase (ALT) and total cholesterol (CHO) levels were significantly reduced (all vs.pre-treatment, P<0.05) there="" was="" no="" significant="" changes="" to="" the="" triglyceride="" levels="" all="" p="">0.05) .The Polyene Phosphatidylcholine-treated group showed the most extensive reduction of ALT (vs.all other groups, P<0.05) .The Quyu Huazhuo decoction plus iontophoresis instrument-treated group showed the most extensive reduction of CHO (vs.all other groups, P<0.05) .Conclusion Quyu Huazhuo decoction treatment with the iontophoresis instrument is more effective for treating NAFLD than Quyu Huazhuo decoction treatment alone or treatment with the Western medicine Polyene Phosphatidylcholine (Essentiale) .
Key words:
- fatty liver /
- the instrument for liver disease /
- Quyu Huazhuo decoction
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