Current perspectives in preventive and therapeutic strategies for hepatocellular carcinoma
Abstract:Prevention and clinical management of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) remains a significant challenge.In recent years, extensive research efforts have been put forth to determine the cytobiological characteristics of HCC and their clinical relevance, with the aim of developing more effective preventive and therapeutic strategies.Currently, a wide range of treatment modalities is available, but these are characterized as having low cost-effective ratios.While the ultimate goal is to create and implement an effective preventive strategy so that onset of HCC is completely eradicated, until that time improved clinical management of the available treatment modalities is the most promising option for promoting patient quality of life and survival.The purpose of this document is to assist physicians in the treatment decision-making process by relying on evidence-based data to choose the most appropriate strategies for individual patients.
Key words:
- carcinoma /
- hepatocellular
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