Solid pseudopapillary tumors of the pancreas: 27 cases from a single institution
Abstract:Objective To summarize the clinicopathologic features and treatment outcomes of solid pseudopapillary tumors (SPTs) of the pancreas.Methods Twenty-seven cases of SPT of the pancreas admitted for treatment to the Peking University Cancer Hospital between September 2008 and September 2012 were retrospectively analyzed.Results The majority of the pancreatic SPT patients were young adults (median age: 29 years old) and females (85.2%) .All 27 patients were treated with surgical resection using pancreaticoduodenectomy (n=4) , duodenum preserving pancreatic tumor resection (n=6) , middle pancreatectomy (n=5) , distal pancreatectomy (n=5) , or distal pancreatectomy plus splenectomy (n=7) .The minimum tumor diameter was 1.5 cm, the maximum diameter was 12.0 cm, and the average diameter was 5.4 cm.Twelve patients developed pancreatic leakage and pyrexia following the operation.One patient suffered splenic artery hemorrhage.All 27 patients survived and completed follow-up.Only one patient developed recurrence, which was treated by a second surgical resection, and all other patients showed no clinical signs of recurrence or metastasis.Conclusion SPT of the pancreas has uncertain malignant potential with good prognosis.Radical resection with preservation of the surrounding tissues is an effective and safe treatment for SPT.
Key words:
- pancreatic neoplasms /
- papilloma /
- pancreaticoduodenectomy
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