Recent perspectives on the pathogenesis of hepatitis E
Abstract:Hepatitis E (HE) is an inflammatory liver disease caused by infection with the hepatitis E virus (HEV) , and this virus was first documented as infectious agent in 1980s.And then, there were more and more studies on hepatitis E.This article presents a summary about hepatitis E from HEV genome, genotype (There are four genotypes of HEV, but only one serotype.Genotypes 1 and 2 exclusively infect humans, whereas genotypes 3 and 4 can also infect other animals, particularly pigs) , epidemiological investigation, detections and vaccines, treatment.And gives a prospect to the future research on the hepatitis E.Till now, hepatitis E vaccine will be a powerful weapon for the prevention of hepatitis E.
Key words:
- hepatitis E /
- hepatitis E virus
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