Age-related clinical features of autoimmune hepatitis
目的分析并比较不同年龄组自身免疫性肝炎(AIH)患者的临床特征、生化指标、免疫学指标和病理特点。方法 98例AIH患者按年龄分为青年(<45岁)、中年(45~60岁)和老年(>60岁)三组,回顾性比较三组患者临床特征、生化指标、免疫学指标、自身抗体和病理特点。结果老年组有并发症者显著高于青年组(50%vs 20%,P<0.05),其中,老年组肝硬化比例高于青年组(40.6%vs 5.7%,P<0.05)。老年组TBil水平显著高于青年组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。中、老年组血清C4水平显著低于青年组(P<0.05);而lgG、lgM、lgA、C3水平差异无统计学意义。老年组抗核抗体(ANA)阳性率显著高于青年组(100%vs77.1%,P<0.05);青年组抗平滑肌抗体(SMA)阳性率显著高于老年组(31.4%vs 6.3%,P<0.05)。中、老年组肝组织学界面炎比例显著高于青年组(88.5%、100%vs 51.8%,P<0.05);肝组织学炎症活动度评分(HAI)比较,中、老年组HAI高于靑年组差异有统计学意义(P&l...
Abstract:Objective To analyze and compare the clinical manifestations,biological and chemical indices,immunological indices,and liver biopsy histological features of autoimmune hepatitis(AIH) according to patient age.Methods Ninety-eight adult Chinese patients diagnosed with AIH were divided into three groups according to age:<45 years="" 45-60="" and="">60 years old(elderly).Significance of inter-group differences in the clinical manifestations,biological and chemical indices,immunological indices,and liver biopsy histology was assessed by ANOVA(normally distributed data) or Wilcoxon rank test(non-normally distributed data).Results The elderly patients had a significantly higher frequency of hepatopathy than the young patients(50% vs.20%,P<0.05) and a higher frequency of cirrhosis than either the young patients(40.6% vs.5.7%,P<0.05).The elderly patients also had higher levels of total bilirubin(TBil) than the young patients(P<0.05).The level of serum complement factor 4(C4) was remarkably lower in the middle-aged patients and elderly patients than in the young patients(P<0.05).The elderly patients had a higher frequency of antinuclear autoantibodies(ANA) positivity but lower frequency of anti-smooth muscle autoantibodies(SMA) positivity than the young patients(ANA:100% vs.77.1%,P<0.05;SMA:31.4% vs.6.3%,P<0.05).The middle-aged and elderly patients had higher frequencies of interface hepatitis than the young patients(88.5% and 100% vs.51.8%,P<0.05).The histology activity index(HAI) was also remarkably higher in the middle-aged and elderly patients than in the young patients(8.1±2.8 and 10.2±3.6 vs.6.6±2.3,P<0.05).Conclusion Elderly AIH patients have higher frequencies of cirrhosis and complications,as well as stronger inflammatory activities.
Key words:
- hepatitis,autoimmune /
- age groups /
- pathological conditions /
- signs and symptoms
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