Effects of hepatitis C virus and antiviral treatment on thyroid function and thyroid autoantibody levels
Abstract:Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is the main cause of chronic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, and hepatocellular carcinoma.Chronic HCV infection is associated with many extrahepatic diseases, and thyroid disorders are common in patients with chronic HCV infection.Interferon (IFN) plus ribavirin (RBV) is recognized as an effective treatment regimen for chronic hepatitis C (CHC) .However, thyroid dysfunction is also a side effect of antiviral treatment with IFN.This review summarizes the effect of chronic HCV infection on thyroid function as well as the thyroid dysfunction and changes in thyroid autoantibody levels induced by antiviral treatment with IFNα plus RBV.
Key words:
- hepatitis C /
- chronic /
- interferon-alpha
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