Clinical value and application of intraoperative cholangiography in laparoscopic biliary tract surgery
- 胰胆管造影术,内窥镜逆行 /
- 胆囊切除术,腹腔镜
Abstract:The most common complications of laparoscopic biliary tract surgery are residual stones and physical injury to the bile duct.However, the risk for both of these complications may be reduced significantly by the use of intraoperative cholangiography (IOC) during the laparoscopic biliary tract surgery.When properly applied with contrast medium, IOC can reveal the biliary tract anatomy and the stones within, thereby guiding the performance of the laparoscopic procedure to achieve complete removal of all stones while preventing biliary tract injury.Several features of the IOC procedure, such as the contrast agent, injection speed and volume, affect its clinical utility during the laparoscopic biliary tract surgery.Therefore, this review summarizes the significance, indications, and methods of IOC that facilitate its useful application in laparoscopic biliary tract surgery.
Key words:
- cholangiopancreatography /
- endoscopic retrograde
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