Non-invasive diagnosis of liver fibrosis by FibroScan imaging
Abstract:Liver fibrosis is a common etiology of chronic liver diseases.Treatment in the early stage, by anti-inflammatories or other drugs targeting the specific fibrosis-promoting factor/pathogen, can reverse the liver fibrosis;treatments in the later stages can effectively reduce the extent of fibrosis.Therefore, sensitive and accurate methods to predict and/or diagnose liver fibrosis are crucial for identifying the condition at the earliest possible stage to initiate timely therapy and inhibit disease progression.Liver biopsy is currently the gold standard for diagnosing and staging fibrosis.However, the procedure is invasive and presents surgery-related risks, such as infection and bleeding.The FibroScan imaging system represents a new, non-invasive approach to diagnose and stage liver fibrosis.This review discusses the FibroScan technology and its clinical application and efficacy.
Key words:
- FibroScan /
- liver cirrhosis /
- diagnosis
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