Clinical value and limitations of serum CA19-9 as a biomarker of pancreatic cancer
胰腺癌的诊治是世界性难题,糖类抗原CA19-9对于胰腺癌的诊断、疗效观察及预后判断等方面具有一定的临床价值,与其他肿瘤标志物比较,具有较好的敏感性及特异性,是最常用的胰腺癌的标志物。但其也存在诸多的局限性,尤其是具有较高的假阳性率及在Lewis a阴性基因型患者中的假阴性,极大限制了其作为胰腺癌诊断标准的应用。因此,血清CA19-9水平的升高需结合影像学及组织学证据,才能做出正确判断。
- 胰腺肿瘤 /
- 抗原,肿瘤相关,碳水化合物
Abstract:Timely diagnosis and effective treatment of pancreatic cancer remains a distinct clinical challenge.Serum carbohydrate antigen (CA19-9) has emerged as a promising biomarker of pancreatic tumors and clinical studies have indicated its potential benefit in diagnosis, prognosis, and management of the disease.Compared with other biomarkers, serum CA19-9 shows better sensitivity and specificity for diagnosis of pancreatic cancer, but many limitations exist.Besides general instances of false-positive results, serum CA19-9 is associated with a high rate of false-negative results for patients with the Lewis-negative phenotype.Therefore, while serum CA19-9 may be a clinically valuable biomarker of pancreatic cancer, its results should be confirmed with imaging and histological findings.
Key words:
- pancreatic neoplasms /
- antigens
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