Current and future perspectives on integrative traditional Chinese and Western medical management of gastroenterological diseases
Abstract:In recent years, significant progress has been made in the systematic investigation and application of integrative traditional Chinese and western medical management of digestive system diseases.Evidence-based modern investigations of the pathogenic processes and related etiologies are confirming the systemic nature of disease and the need for a comprehensive approach to clinical management.For example, the conditions of acute pancreatitis and hepatitis caused by pathogenic agents are intimately associated with inflammation signaling and circulatory function.In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) , the individual's systemic condition is addressed, complementing the targeted approach of Western medicines and therapies.Here, we review the theoretical and biological aspects of the integrative treatment modality for the various pancreatic and hepatobilliarly diseases that have been reported.In particular, the outcomes and mechanisms of integrative management of chronic hepatitis, liver fibrosis and cirrhosis, severe acute pancreatitis, gallstones, and malignancies of the digestive system are discussed in the context of specific TCM herbs and decoctions.
Key words:
- liver diseases /
- biliary tract diseases /
- pancreatic diseases
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