Traditional Chinese medicines for treatment of non-alcoholic fibrosing steatohepatitis
Abstract:The incidence of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) continues to rise globally.Later stages of NAFLD are characterized by severe structural and functional perturbations in the liver, with the progressive clinical manifestations being fibrosis and cirrhosis, leading to end-stage liver disease.Thus, the pathogenic process of hepatic fibrosis has been a principal target of efforts to develop therapeutic interventions capable of suppressing NAFLD progression, with the aim of protecting liver function and ultimately promoting patient quality of life and survival.Extensive research has uncovered several of the molecular factors and signaling pathways leading to the excessive synthesis and deposition of extracellular matrix (ECM) or collagen, including those of inflammation, oxidative stress and apoptosis.In this review, we discuss the potential of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) herbs for inhibiting or resolving fibrosis by interacting with the various underlying mechanisms.In particular, the Fuzheng Huayu recipe (FZHY) is comprehensively discussed, from its various reported effects on liver function enzymes and ECM-/cytokine-producing cells to lipid metabolism.In addition, other promising TCM agents and strategies are discussed from the perspective of their therapeutic effects studied and demonstrated in cell culture systems, animal models and human clinical studies.
Key words:
- fatty liver /
- liver cirrhosis /
- drugs
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