Resolving blood stasis to improve liver microcirculation and treat chronic liver diseases
Abstract:Chronic liver diseases are frequently accompanied by changes in the organ′s microcirculatory system.Changes in the vascular architecture can affect the rate of blood flow, which in turn may promote the underlying pathogenic etiology;for example, recent studies have indicated that decreased blood flow in the liver can suppress the clearance rate of pathogenic agents (such as hepatitis virus) , enhance localized inflammation and or fibrosis-related injury, or increase pressure in the portal vein.The phenomenon of obstructed liver microcirculation in modern medicine is similar to the pathogenic concept of blood stasis in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) .Thus, TCM decoctions or methods that promote blood circulation, and have been historically applied to remove blood stasis, may prove useful for treating liver diseases.In this review of the promising TCM agents and treatment modalities, we discuss not only the reported outcomes of pharmacological applications in both humans and animal models but also the molecular mechanisms related to the beneficial effects.Future studies should continue to investigate the clinical efficacy of resolving blood stasis to treat portal hypertension, liver fibrosis, and cirrhosis.
Key words:
- chronic liver diseases /
- microcirculation /
- hypertension /
- portal /
- drugs
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