Colonoscopy-based diagnosis of portal hypertensive colopathy in cirrhotic patients and relation to hepatic disease pathogenesis
目的探讨肝硬化患者结肠镜下表现,及这些病变与肝功能Child-Pugh分级、食管静脉曲张程度、肝纤维化指标(APRI指数)等相关因素的关系。方法回顾性分析本院2009年1月至2012年5月收治的172例肝硬化住院患者临床资料,23例患者行结肠镜检查,同时分析肠镜表现与肝功能,食管静脉曲张程度以及APRI指数的关系。结果 172例患者中共23例患者行结肠镜检查,最常见病变为门静脉高压性结肠病(PHC)(9/23,39.1%),完全正常比例仅有8.7%(2/23)。PHC的发生与患者中重度食管静脉曲张有相关趋势(P=0.086),与患者严重肝纤维化(APRI指数大于1.08)和肝功能Child-Pugh评分无关。结论多达91.3%的肝硬化患者结肠镜表现异常,39.1%患者表现为PHC,需要对肝硬化患者进行结肠镜检查。
Abstract:Objective To evaluate the rate of colonoscopy-based diagnosis of portal hypertensive colopathy (PHC) in patients with cirrhosis and evaluate associations with the hepatic disease pathogenic features.Methods Twenty-three cirrhotic patients who underwent colonoscopy between January 2009 and May 2012 were enrolled in the study.The colonoscopy examination results, Child-Pugh scores, esophageal varices stages, and aspartate aminotransferase to platelet ratio index (APRI) values were recorded for each patient.The significance of inter-group differences was assessed by Chi-squared test or Fisher′s exact test.Results The most common colonoscopy finding was PHC (9/23, 39.1%) .Only 8.7% (2/23) of patients had completely normal findings.Occurrence of PHC was associated with moderate to severe esophageal varices (P=0.086) but not with severe liver fibrosis, either by APRI index or Child-Pugh score.Conclusion The majority of cirrhosis patients had anomalous colonoscopy findings, and more than one-third had PHC.Colonoscopy should be considered for cirrhotic patients to identify previously undiagnosed PHC and initiate timely treatment.
Key words:
- colonoscopes /
- liver cirrhosis /
- esophageal and gastric varices /
- hypertension
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