A study of minimally invasive treatment for hepatolithiasis
Abstract:Objective To investigate the feasibility and therapeutic effect of minimally invasive treatment for hepatolithiasis.Methods An investigation was conducted in 15 patients with hepatolithiasis who underwent total laparoscopic treatment from May 2006 to November 2012.The procedures included simple laparoscopic hepatectomy, simple laparoscopic bile duct exploration, and Oddi sphincter-preserved subcutaneous tunnel and hepatocholangioplasty with the use of gallbladder or free jejunum.Results All cases completed the operation, with no perioperative mortality, and postoperative residual stones were found in 26% of all cases (4/15) .The follow-up rate was 100%;the mean follow-up was 29 months (range, 2-80 months) .There was one case of postoperative anastomotic stenosis, and no recurrence of hepatolithiasis was seen.Conclusion Minimally invasive treatment for hepatolithiasis can be achieved if the operative indications are fully understood, the procedures are carefully performed, and the choledochoscope and subcutaneous tunnel are properly used.
Key words:
- cholelithiasis /
- bile ducts /
- intrahepatic /
- laparoscopes
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